Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Old Drawings

When I was young(er), my best friend Rich Myers and I would spend a lot of class time drawing pictures. Mostly in Jr. High School, we would draw pictures of the war of the future, fought primarily by robots of course. :P

The other day I was cleaning out a box in my garage and I came across about 50 old drawings. I have uploaded them to my flickr account so I never lose them. They're actually quite funny and entertaining to browse. In many of the pictures there are a LOT of things going on. If you'd like to see them, click here!

Also, I found an old comic book that I drew around the 7th grade. It was a gift for my brother's birthday that year. He and I were avid comic collectors and I thought it would be a fun gift to make him an original! I also scanned those pages in and thought I'd post them to see if you're interested (remember, I was like 12 when I drew it so cut me a break). Click here to see the comic book!

1 comment:

chipandsalsa said...

That is so sweet that you not only found the drawings, but put them online. I enjoy reminising and taking the opportunity to laugh. Those drawings are actually pretty fun. So, thanks bro!