Friday, July 18, 2008

My New Slave: Money

Most people would agree that we are slaves to money. It seems that it tells us how much needs to be spent. Creditors are telling us what our monthly minimum payments are and there always seems to be more month than money.

I just finished reading a life-changing book: The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey.

In it, I learned that, while I am the best budgeter I have ever met, I have been doing it all wrong. Now I've got the keys to success. I will have all my car payments and student loans paid off within the next 8 moths. I will have saved $10,000 in CASH within 2 years, AND, I will completely pay off my home mortgage in 10 years! WOW! Oh yeah, and did I mention that on top of that I'm going to retire at age 50 with MILLIONS in cash. This is NO get rich quick scheme. As a matter of fact, it's a get rich SLOW scheme. But really it's a get-out-of-debt thing. It's worth your time to get the book and check it out.

I am no longer slave to my money. On the contrary, money will now be MY slave because I will tell IT where to go.

I'm serious, it's all possible. No debt. It's really quite an amazing thing. If you're interested in any of this, I suggest you go read the review I posted on this book, over at my FictionFixation blog.

1 comment:

Collette Jeffs said...

Wow, is that really possible all that you are talking about?? I should read that book sometime. My friend Aaron gave me good advice about taking care of my loans but I can't out that into action until later. Anyways, I am glad the book helped :) .