Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mission Photos

I estimate that I took around 500 or so photos on my mission. This, of course, was back in the archaic days before the advent of digital photography. Saddly, my HUGE stack of mission photos is just sitting in a bin somewhere in the garage. One of these days I need to dig them out and spend 74 thousand hours scanning them in so as to preserve them.

I actually attempted that about 6 or 7 years ago. I scanned in merely about 50 photos. Apparantly, to my dismay, I only scanned them in at SUPER low quality. Nonetheless I found those scanned photos hidden in an obscure place on my hard drive. So after reliving the memories for a few moments I uploaded them to Flickr.

If you'd like to browse through the few I have, click here to view my mission photos Flickr set.

Otherwise I've posted a few of them here on the blog. Enjoy:

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Jay did you dye your hair blond on your mission?