Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our STUPID Electoral System

I love our country, but I have only recently become interested in politics. Tonight, after watching an unexperienced socialist get elected into office, I realized something: our voting system sucks.

Apparantly we have so many electoral votes per state equal to the congressional representation of the state. "The electors generally cast their votes for the winner of the popular vote in their respective states, but are not required by law to do so." (wikipedia)

WHAT!?!? Are you kidding me? So basically, I go cast my vote, but it doesn't really matter because they electors just vote for whomever they want?

And another thing (and this is what really chaps my hyde): when a candidate wins 51% or more of a state's vote, they receive ALL the electoral votes for that state! This means that 49% of the votes didn't count! Think of it this way: Two neighboring states have 1 million people each and (say) 9 electoral votes. State one has 500,001 people vote blue and 499,999 people vote red. So all 9 electoral votes go to the blue candidate. State two has 700,000 vote blue and 300,000 vote red. So all 9 electoral votes go to the blue candidate for a grand total of 18 electoral votes (between the two states). But let's say the 499,999 voters from state one move to state two and vote the SAME way. Now every citizen of state one (500,001) vote blue, they get 9 electoral votes. But state two now has 700,000 that vote blue and 799,999 that vote red. Suddenly the red candidate has 9 more electoral votes but the same people voted the same way! So it doesn't really matter what your vote is, it matters where you live!!! This is perposterous! If this were a perfect system, then every vote would count for one vote. Forget states and districts. If I vote one way then my vote should count for that candidate. PERIOD.

I've always been so proud of my country. But I can't say I am tonight. In today's age of modern technology we need a better system of voting. If it's a true democracy then make every vote count.


Anonymous said...

I aggree with you on this point.....our votes should be the ones to put those running for office IN office and NOT electoral votes....I wonder why it was structured this way to begin with...

Collette Jeffs said...

Thanks Jay for your blog. My words exactly! I just can't get it out as eloquently as you do :).

Jeff said...

Yup I looked into this a while ago and realized my vote does not count for squat. It was originally done this way so that large populous states (California) wouldn't dominate the other states so much. They have tried many times to pass an election by popular vote but it has never come close to being passed. President's have been elected that did win the popular vote. Hows that for democracy!

darthchicken said...

Yep, I do agree. I always try to tell people that their vote does not count for presidential elections for this very reason.

To answer the question though, as to why we have an electoral system, as opposed to a true democracy. It was designed this way to keep things fair between rural and urban areas. Traditionally, rural areas vote conservative, and urban vote liberal. So, with a true democracy the densely populated areas would have control over the rural areas. The electorate keeps that in check.

Jane said...

Obama would have won last night even if they went off the popular vote, and counted each and every vote. He had more support all around, and I think that says something about the American people collectively. I think that the republican party has been hurt by the extreme right (and often times) Christian fundamentalists. It's how a man like the genius George W. was able to even be elected and stay in office for 8 long years. They have pushed many conservative and moderate voters away from the party and run the party off fear and negativity. I would have to totally disagree with you when you call our next president a socialist with no experience. I'm excited for his win last night-- for how he ran his campaign, and how he will lead our country. I may not agree with him on every issue (and I don't think you have to agree with your leaders on every issue), but I believe he's sincere, honest, a good man, and will do great things for the American people.

Unknown said...

That is the difference between a democracy and a republic.

Fletch said...

Al Gore would have been president if we went to popular vote. And we would never have seen that beard...But at least we are now saving the enviroment thanks to him.