Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So I started off today by asking my friends and family: "They say Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. But have you ever known ANYONE that goes shopping on Black Friday???" Every single person I asked (a mere 5 people) said "no." This was baffling to me. I mean, if it's SUCH a huge shopping day, and the crowds are unbearable, then statistically speaking, shouldn't you have met someone along the way that shops on Black Friday?

So anyway, my parents are out for the week and my Dad and I were going to work around the house a bit to fix some things up. One of our big projects was to buy and install a new garage door opener. So we went to Lowes. I had been there the week before to check out prices, but today the same garage door opener we wanted was $60 cheaper! Wow, I thought. This is GREAT! On the way out, there was a wet/dry shop vac on display, regularly $90, on sale only now through Monday for $29. Holy COW! What a deal. I really need a new shop vac. I can't pass this up!

So out I walk to my car, pleased with my savings of $120.

And then I realized. I just shopped on Black Friday. And I even took advantage of the Black Friday deals. So it does happen. People do shop on Black Friday. In this case, however, I'm glad I did. I saved a TON of money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amber and I shop on Black Friday every year. We wake up on Thanksgiving and buy the newspaper so we can look through the ads. Then we figure out what we want and shop accordingly. We are out fighting the crowds usually by 4am. I must admit, it's a bit insane but at the same time it has turned into a tradition.