Thursday, May 07, 2009

Real Superhero: Shadowhare

This is the best story I've ever heard. Apparently there is a guy in Cincinatti that has literally put on a cape and mask and has begun roaming the streets as a superhero. The guy doesn't actually have any powers so I guess he's not "super" but he claims to protect the citizens and help the homeless.

I watched a few videos about the guy and it looks like most of his time is spent whole-heartedly and genuienly helping the homeless. I commend him for that. His costume is silly and he walks around in broad daylight but after watching a few videos and reading a few articles, I actually find myself feeling a bit of hope--which is his self-proclaimed goal.

You need to do yourself a favor and read this article:

In addition to the video posted here on this blog, I recommend the "web only" video about a day in the life of Shadowhare (or just click here:

1 comment:

darthchicken said...

I've been following this guy for a few days now. He even has an arch-nemesis that has offered $10 for the identity of Shadow Hare. I'm thinking of offering $15 for the identity of "The Dark Side," the arch-nemesis