Tuesday, April 28, 2009

YouTube SUCKS!

I hate Youtube now. I make great videos. I like to upload them to show my friends and family how we're doing. One of the things that makes my videos great is my choice of music as a background for what's showing.

Well all of a sudden YouTube has decided to ban videos that have "unauthorized" music in the soundtrack. Are you KIDDING ME??? What is with these people? It's just a stupid video. I'm not making any money on it. I'm not promoting or demoting any musician or "pirating" their material.

These copyright laws and piracy laws have gone WAY too far. YouTube even sent me an email saying that my video had been removed due to content that was "owned or licensed by WMG."

GIVE ME A FREAKIN' BREAK! I used to love YouTube. Well I'm here to tell you that they HAVE SOLD OUT! Google owns them now and I'm seriously disappointed. They used to have a motto at Google: Don't Be Evil. Well you screwed up this time. Now you've got one seriously unhappy customer and I'm blogging about it in hopes that I can convince at least a few other souls out there that Google is making a turn to the dark side.
And for the record, the video was a documentary of a camping trip my Dad and I took to the Anniversary Narrows. It was an amazing trip. But now, thanks to Google/YouTube, you'll never get to see it.


*p.s. okay, I'm being overly dramatic... but I'm just messing around.... except for the part about everything above...


Blake said...

That's the lamest thing i've ever heard. Half of you tube's content contains unauthorized material.

darthchicken said...

This is the latest debate when it comes to pirating. The ability to remix. I completely agree that people should have the right to remix, and further argue that it helps the studios more than it hurts them. If I hear a song on your video that I like, I may go out and buy it. Now, I won't hear it, now I won't buy it.

Give it a few years, and things will get better. Or we can just firebomb a few studios :)

chipandsalsa said...

WEll, hmmm, sounds like they are all going to the dark side and that everyone is selling out. Wish we could see the videos... p.s. I like darthchickens last comment about the studios! :)