Friday, July 04, 2008

American Idol's 2008 Tour

Some of you may remember that last year Megan and I went to the American Idol's Live tour. Well, being the die-hard Idol lovers that we are, we bought tickets for this year the moment they went on sale. Last night was the concert (we went to see the show in Fresno, only the 3rd stop on thier Summer-long tour). Here is the breakdown, in three catagories:

Worse that expected:
  • Ramiel Mulabay - If it is at all possible, this girl was WORSE on stage than she was on the show. I'm sorry to say she has little to no talent and it is beyond me how she made it to the top 10.
  • Syesha Mercado - Now don't get me wrong, this isn't the "you suck" catagory. On the contrary, Syesha was very good in the show last night. But she was not as good as she was on the show. Toward the end of the season this year, Syesha came out of her shell and really started to perform. Last night she still carried that Broadway-like charisma but her vocals weren't as impressive as they were at the tail end of the season.
No Worse/No better than the show:
  • Chikezie: I love this guy. He is so fun to watch, so energetic, a great vocalist and I'm very surprised that he was number 10 this season. He was far better than many others in positions ahead of him. While he was very good and I think he could cut a pretty successful album, I don't think he was any better last night than he ever was on the show.
  • Carly Smithson: She performed very well. I never really liked her on the show but she did well. Not outstanding, not terrible.
  • Brooke White: I ALMOST put her in the better than expected catagory. She was VERY good at the concert. She has talent for sure. She sang her infamous Let it Be song and sang an awesome rendition of "Yellow." Props to her for being awesome... I just can't say it was all that much better than what we saw on TV.
  • Jason Castro: He was like the Sanjaya of season 7. The guy sucks, but people kept voting for him. It blows my mind how anyone could like him. The only thing I can think of is that people liked him because he was cute, because it certainly wasn't due to any vocal talent. Still, he wasn't TERRIBLE, just "not-good". He was just as boring last night as he was on the show.

Better than expected:
  • Michael Johns: I LOVED him on the show this season and litterally screamed at the TV when he was voted off. Still, he was BETTER at the live concert than he ever was on the show. The guy knows how to rock the house. He was phenominal and I felt that he as grossly underused in last night's show.
  • Kristy Lee Cook: I never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but she actually did VERY well last night. I absolutely HATED her on the show, but last night she came through and performed like a real star. Her voice and song choice were perfect for her.
  • David Archuleta: I know what you're thinking... how could this guy get better? Believe me, it was one of the most amazing things ever to listen to this guy sing. WOW! That's all I can say: WOW!
  • David Cook: A true rock star. He has the look, the voice and the charisma of a rocker. He brought the house down with his guitar and smashing vocals. I truely felt that I was at a concert when he was performing. He will go far.
I took about 40 pictures while I was there and I have uploaded them to flickr. We were in the front row of the balcony level, which is basically like saying we were far away, so I had to zoom up completely with the camera, and while I got some good shots, they're not so great in quality (due to how far I had to zoom in). If you would like to see the photos of the concert, click here!


Anonymous said...

Or different strokes for different folks. Some of us love JCas for his different non typical Idol voice. He does more with his quieter voice than a lot of the so-called power vocalists do. He and Brooke are the only 2007 Idols I would consider buying an album from.

I'm not a tween nor do I think the Sanjaya comparison is a fair one. Jason kept getting voted on because many were tired of the typical types that Idol tries to push.

I've heard the vids from the concert and if anything he is holding his own quite nicely despite not being built to be playing large arena type venues. Good for him.

kQQky said...
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chipandsalsa said...

As someone who does not watch American Idol, due to the fact that I live in Sweden, it is nice o hear a straight talk review from someone I personally feel is qualified to do so. The back up comments on each performance along with examples is exactly what a strong critic is made of. After reading through each performers review, I feel as though I was there myself. Killer job Jay.

Anonymous said...

It's Kristy Lee Cook.

I adore Jason. He's the only one I want to see. Some people get him and some dont. Everyday, I thank the Lord that I do.