Friday, May 23, 2008

Internet Bliss and Jumper

We've done it. We now have internet. For the past two years, Megan and I have been able to get wireless internet from our neighbor (with his permission of course), but a few months ago he discontinued his service. We've been without internet ever since and it's amazing how hard life can be without it. I wonder how the pioneers survived without it. I mean, how did they cross the plains without mapquest or Google Earth? I'll never know.

So now I get to start blogging again. I seem to think of blogs to post once a week or so but I haven't had internet to do it, so here goes.

Jumper... the novel.

I saw the previews for this movie early in January. It looked awesome but I never got the chance to see the movie. Actually, I STILL haven't seen the movie.

My Dad picked up the novel, Jumper, by Steven Gould, from an airport bookstore and read it. he enjoyed it and then gave it to me to read. I decided that I might as well read it before seeing the movie, even though my Dad warned that the book was NOTHING like the movie.

The result: dare I say it?... one of the best books I've ever read. It was amazing. It was fast paced, easy to read, great characters that you actually cared about, setting, story, plot arch (heaven forbid!), this book had it all. Now don't get me wrong, by no means was it a literary masterpiece, but it was extremely enjoyable to read. I read it inside a week (for me that's REALLY fast).

Though I haven't seen the movie, I can tell just from the previews alone that the book really is different. When asked what was similar about the two, my dad hesitated and then said, "the main character teleports." So, my recommendation is, even if you've seen the movie, go pick up the book. It was written in 1992, so it's NOT a book based on a movie, contrary to what you might have thought.

As soon as I finished Jumper, I went to the book store to see about other novels by this author. To my utter joy, I found Reflex, the SEQUEL to Jumper, written in 2004. I'm now already half way through that book. Steven Gould has also written Jumper: Griffin's Story, which is the novelized version of the movie--a completely different story from his original Jumper.

So there you have it. If you're looking for a great new book to read. Go pick up the original Jumper.

And, as if anyone is ever interested, I always list what books I'm currently reading, and maintain a list of books I have read, at my library on my website.


Stoli said...

I recommend not seeing the movie. It was a waste of my money and my time. Pray that there is no sequel.

Fletch said...

Good to have you back in the Saddle. I'm just about done with John Adams and now it appears I've got a few books to keep me occupied on the plane for the next month or two.

When is your latest going to hit the stands?