Saturday, December 30, 2006

Upcoming Movies

There are some really great movies coming out in '07. If you haven't seen these trailers, do yourself a favor and watch them. Some are pretty new! Enjoy:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (March 23rd)

Spiderman 3 (May 4th)

Shrek 3 (May 18th)

Pirates 3 (May 25th) No trailer available yet. :(

Ocean's 13 (June 8th)

Fantastic Four 2 (June 15th)

Transformers (July 4th)

The Simpsons (July 27th)

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Hey -

I noticed that everyone of those "upcoming movies" are either cartoons or 2nds and 3rds of something....

I can't wait for the Simpsons but I don't think I am going to pay money for it....wait for it to come out on dvd.

I think you forgot a KEY movie! HARRY POTTER!

The Fantastic Four should have stopped on the first one. I turned it off it was so bad.

Ocean's 12 was really bad too...

Hmmm....I think we have completely different movie taste! :) ha ha!